Now what?

(Not really sure about this post, so it will be a little bit random)
Long time no see my readers, no writing-blog in a while.
Kali ini gue akan membahas tentang kehidupan gue pra sbm. Ya, gue adalah salah satu orang yang kurang beruntung dalam sbm. (kalo kita sama, mari kita bersulang) tidak seperti doi gue yang dapet ptn, gue sekarang gabisa senyum sumringah kayak dia.
Gue gatau harus berusaha lebih keras atau mengalah pada keadaan.
My parents, especially my mother want me to go to pts meanwhile me, in another hand want to fight another ptn.
They said, pts and ptn are the same. Yea I agree with that, but not with the cost.
Alasan terkuat gue mau masuk ptn karna dengan begitu gue bisa ngeringanin beban ortu gue guys, bikin mereka seneng dan bikin diri gue sendiri mandiri. Gue ngelakuin ini bukan karna gue mau jauh-jauh dari mereka, bukan. Gue cuman pingin nyoba sesuatu yang baru.
But.. my parents, want me to stay near (bcs I used to be a troublemaker and trustbreaker hehe) so yeah *cryinthecorner*
And the worst, I envy with my bf. I hate him to steal something from me, but then I remember that it was his "rejeki".
I got very valuable lessons this year, and i'm very grateful to learn from that.
For everyone who failed, just like me. Remember this.
You are failed.
But, you are not a failure.
you still have many chances darling, don't give up.
If you ever feel useless, empty, dumb, unlucky, hopeless, pathetic, and another bad vibes. It's okay. Me too, guys, me too.
Now, time to 'ambil hikmahnya' and let go.
For you my lovely readers (or stalkers) it's time for us to win another battle. (but first, win a battle with yourself to gain your confidence and happiness again.)
MAY THE LUCK BE IN OUR FAVOR (bagi yang mengikuti UM seperti saya)


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